Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Liam's Discharge Checklist

- Remove precautionary pacemaker wires - check
- Remove sutures from chest tube -check
- Stay off supplemental oxygen - check
- Order prescriptions for home - check
- Pack Liam's bag - check
- Pack mom's and dad's bags - check
- Celebratory libations at home for mom and dad - check

Liam has been cleared to go home tomorrow by Dr. Jonas!! All we need to do is push the staff to get us out of here! We'll schedule Liam's coming out party soon so that we can all celebrate!


  1. What exciting news!!! Can't wait to celebrate with you!!!

  2. Hope you're all getting good rest tonight. I'm sure Caroline is happily and excitedly awaiting the return of her angelic little bro!

  3. Lauren and Ethan,

    This is the best news! Let us know when we can come over with lots of snacks to celebrate Liam's homecoming. He is half Werner, after all!
